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Study Skills for Success

Staying organized. Keeping up with assignments. Preparing for tests and quizzes. After an extended period of remote learning for most students, these skills may need sharpening to get many back on track. While due dates were less firm last year, students became less concerned about when they completed assignments as long as they did eventually complete them. Many developed bad habits which have spilled over into the new school year. Others “jumped” a year of learning these important skills.

As grades close for first quarter of the school year, it may be time to look at the study skills your child is employing to succeed in their classes. Very often it isn’t content itself that brings down grades, but the lack of study skills the student uses to complete given tasks efficiently and effectively.

What can you do to help?

  1. Time Management and Organization:

    1. Use a planner to

      1. Record assignment/test/quiz due dates

      2. Break assignments into smaller tasks and record when to complete each piece

      3. Plan study time for more than cramming the night before

      4. Prioritize assignments, possibly completing the hardest first when the brain is most alert

    2. Provide supplies:

      1. Use binders and dividers to simplify locating important information

      2. Have a 3-hole punch and stapler on hand

      3. Calculator

      4. Pens, pencils, erasers, ruler, etc

      5. Folders to keep previous quarter work organized for exams, but out of binder

    3. Re-organize binders and backpack once a month (more or less, depending on student)

  2. Note-taking:

    1. Two-column notes will help with studying later

    2. Re-work class notes into this format as a preliminary study technique

  3. Resources:

    1. Develop notes, texts, and online sources to help clarify when “stuck” on an assignment, question, or problem

Need more?

For students in need of step-by-step modeling and instruction on what to do, individualized tutoring geared toward that student’s specific needs may be necessary.

The Learning Center teacher offers guidance and study skills strategies as students work independently through individual assignments. Groups are limited to 7 for individual attention within a small group.

Whether working on improving study skills at home, in the Learning Center, or in tutoring sessions, the goal should be for students to build independence and confidence while improving their success in the content areas.

Curious about Successful Solutions? Call 978-595-2590 or email today!


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